The colour Katthult is a fictional place from Astrid Lindgren's famous children's book series "Emil the Maple Tree". It is originally a Swedish farm near the small town of Vimmerby. The Katthult colour is where Emil Svensson and his family live and where many exciting and entertaining adventures take place. The rural landscape, farm buildings and proximity to nature give the place its charm and create an ideal environment for children to play and explore.
Life for Emil and his family in Katthult is colourful, active and full of humour. Emil, the little boy, is always up to new pranks that often get him into trouble, but he learns a lot from these adventures. The colour itself is an idyllic, peaceful place that seems almost timeless, making it particularly appealing to modern readers. Through Astrid Lindgren's stories, the colour Katthult has become a place that holds a special place in the hearts of many, and captures the beauty of simple, rural life.
RGB and HEX colour codes for Katthult colour
The RGB code for the Katthult colour is rgb(145, 197, 191) and the HEX code is #91C5BF
Colour scheme | Code/Weights |
Hex |
#FF5733 |
rgb(255, 87, 51) |
hsl(9, 100%, 60%) |
hsv(9, 80%, 100%) |
cmyk(0%, 65%, 80%, 0%) |
Contrasting colour |
#00A8CC |
Complementary colour |
#33FFA1 |
Dark and light shades of Katthult
Click on the colour codes below to copy them to the clipboard.
Dark shades
Light shades
Katthult's complementary colour palettes
Catthult is a light, pastel ochre shade that works well in a variety of colour palettes. Here we present seven different colour palettes based on complementaries, analogue, monochrome, triad, tetrad, split complementary and neutral.
Complementary palette
Analogue palette
Monochrome palette
Triad palette
Tetrade palette
Split complementary palette
Neutral palette
what is the colour of the catthult colour?
The colour catthult is a colour designation used by IKEA, typically a shade of medium blue.
What determines the colour of a cathtult?
The colour of the cathodolour depends on a number of factors, including the pigments, dyes and additives used in the manufacturing process. In addition, the intensity and hue of the colour can be influenced by the thickness of the coating applied, the surface material and its texture, and the lighting conditions in which the paint is exposed. In addition, the temperature and drying time applied can also affect the final colour result.
How is cathtult colour colour mixing possible?
To achieve the catult colour by mixing colours, usually shades of blue and green in the right proportions. First mix a light blue and a light green, then slowly add a little white to soften the intensity of the colours. It is important to keep mixing and test on a small sample to get the desired shade. If necessary, add a little grey dye to get even closer to the cathodic colour.