The colour cigar wood has warm, sensual tones, with a blend of deep brown and golden tones. The name derives from the rich, distinctive shade of the cigar's husk, often seen as a symbol of luxury, sophistication and tradition. The colour of cigar wood has a rich, dark brown undertone, interspersed with deep reddish and golden tones. Such a combination creates a sense of warmth and a cosy atmosphere in its surroundings.
In this colour, the gentle tones of golden ash blend harmoniously with the more intense browns of oak, creating a complex yet soothing palette. Cigar wood looks particularly good on wooden furniture, flooring and decorative elements where natural materials and warm tones attract the eye. Cigar wood is not only elegant, but also has a natural calming effect, making it a popular choice for interior design.
Cigar tree colour rgb and hex colour codes
Cigar tree colour RGB value: 133, 94, 66 and HEX value: #855E42
cigar tree colour
Colour scheme | Code/Weights |
Hex |
#A58B61 |
rgb(165, 139, 97) |
hsl(37, 28%, 51%) |
hsv(37, 41%, 65%) |
cmyk(0%, 16%, 41%, 35%) |
Contrasting colour |
#61A57B |
Complementary colour |
#618BA5 |
Dark and light shades of cigar wood
Click on the colour codes below to copy them to the clipboard.
Dark shades
Light shades
Complementary colour palettes of cigar wood
The cigar tree colour is based on four different colour palettes, including complementary, analogue, monochrome and triad. Each palette is made up of two light and two dark colours to suit different design projects.
Complementary palette
Analogue palette
Monochrome palette
Triad palette
Tetrade palette
Split complementary palette
Neutral palette
What is the colour of the cigar tree?
Cigar trees often range in colour from green to yellow, especially in the autumn months.
What determines the colour of a cigar tree?
The colour of cigar wood depends on a number of factors, including the age of the wood, drying and processing methods, and weather and soil conditions. Older trees are generally darker in colour, while younger trees are lighter in shade. The drying technique used, such as hardness or natural drying, can also affect the colour of the wood. The weather conditions in the area and the nutrient content of the soil also affect the colour of the tree.
How is it possible to mix cigar tree colour?
There are several ways to mix the colour of cigar wood, depending on the shade you want to achieve. In general, the colour of cigar wood (catalpa) is a brownish shade, which can be modified with different colourants and varnishes. The mixing process should take into account the basic colour of the wood and the final colour desired. The colourants and pigments should be applied evenly to the surface of the wood and it is advisable to test the result on a test piece before completing the whole project. Layering is also important to achieve a deeper and richer colour effect.