Cyan is a basic shade of blue, created by mixing blue and green. This colour often evokes feelings of water, sky, freshness and calm. Cyan is also a widely used colour in the digital world, particularly in web design and graphic design. Because it is vibrant and eye-catching, it is often used to highlight or accentuate design elements.
In painting and other arts, cyan is a prominent colour, as it can be used as the basis for many different combinations. In its symbolism it often represents harmony and purity, but in some cultures it is also associated with spirituality. In modern psychology, cyan blue is thought to have a calming effect and is often used in environments where relaxation and tranquillity are the goal.
RGB and HEX codes for cyan blue colour
The RGB code for the cyan colour is (0, 255, 255) and the HEX code is #00FFFF.
Cyan is often used in design and marketing because of its vibrant and eye-catching effect.
Colour scheme | Code/Weights |
Hex |
#00FFFF |
rgb(0, 255, 255) |
hsl(180, 100%, 50%) |
hsv(180, 100%, 100%) |
cmyk(100%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
Contrasting colour |
#FF0000 |
Complementary colour |
#FF00FF |
Dark and light shades of cyan
Click on the colour codes below to copy them to the clipboard.
Dark shades
Light shades
Complementary colour palettes of the cyan blue
The cyan colour is often used as a bright and refreshing shade. In this colour palette, we present a variety of complementary, analogue, monochrome, triad and tetrad colour combinations that are great for highlighting and complementing this vibrant colour.
Complementary palette
Analogue palette
Monochrome palette
Triad palette
Tetrade palette
Split complementary palette
Neutral palette
what is the colour of cyan?
The cyan blue colour is a bright and vivid shade of blue and Green is on the spectrum between. It is often associated with the blue-green colour of the sea. In the RGB colour system, the values of cyan are R=0, G=255, B=255.
What makes the colour cyan blue?
The colour of cyan blue depends on the wavelength of light it reflects or emits. The cyan-blue colour usually appears at wavelengths between 490 and 520 nanometres. Accordingly, the hue can be affected by the lighting conditions, the texture of the surface and the properties of the material.
How is it possible to mix cyan-blue colours?
Cyan blue can be achieved by combining blue and green colours to achieve a consistent cyan shade by mixing blue and green in approximately equal proportions. Cyan is a basic colour in subtractive colour models, typically used in printing processes. To produce cyan in digital colour models (RGB), red is turned off completely, while the green and blue components are set to maximum.