Ebony is a deep, intense shade of black, named after the tropical ebony tree. Ebony is one of the most valuable and hardest woods, and has been used for centuries in the manufacture of ornaments and musical instruments. The colour ebony is often associated with luxury and sophistication, and generally connotes elegance, strength and timelessness.
The deep and rich tones of ebony are particularly good in contrasting environments, such as with lighter colours. This dark shade is a popular colour in many art, fashion and interior design projects, as it creates a dramatic and elegant effect. The choice of ebony in an interior or clothing gives a bold, modern look that is both classic and timeless.
RGB and HEX colour codes for ebonics
The ebony colour is an elegant and dark shade with RGB values (53, 56, 57) and HEX code #353839.
Colour scheme | Code/Weights |
Hex |
#555D50 |
rgb(85, 93, 80) |
hsl(90, 7%, 34%) |
hsv(90, 14%, 36%) |
cmyk(0.09, 0, 0.14, 0.64) |
Contrasting colour |
Complementary colour |
#508157 |
Dark and light shades of ebony
Click on the colour codes below to copy them to the clipboard.
Dark shades
Light shades
Complementary colour palettes of life
Ebony is a dark and intense tone that pairs well in different palettes. Here we present some different colour schemes that bring out the character of ebony.
Complementary palette
Analogue palette
Monochrome palette
Triad palette
Tetrade palette
Split complementary palette
Neutral palette
What is the colour of ebony?
The ebony colour is a deep, rich shade of black, sometimes with dark brown or bluish tones. It is named after the colour of ebony wood, which has the distinctive feature of being extremely dark, almost black.
What does the colour of the ebony depend on?
The colour of ebony wood is influenced by several factors, such as the species, the place of origin and the ripening process. The natural oil and resin content of the wood contributes to the dark, rich tones. In addition, processing and treatment methods also play a role in the final colour. Some ebony types may vary in colour from black to brown, dark red or dark grey.
How is the colour mixing possible?
A mixture of black and brown is usually used to achieve the ebony colour. Start with a large amount of black, then gradually add small amounts of brown until you get the deep, dark shade you want. You may want to add a little blue or Green to further deepen the ebony colour.