The colour inox, also known as stainless steel, is an elegant and modern shade often used for kitchen appliances and furniture. This colour typically has a shiny, metallic finish that is timeless and easy to clean. Products in stainless steel are often of high quality and resistant to corrosion, which contributes to their long life.
The colour inox is also popular in interior design because it is neutral and combines well with other colours and materials. Inox finishes give rooms a cool, industrial look, while creating a sophisticated and professional effect. This colour is the perfect choice for those who want to create a modern and clean style in their home or workplace.
Inox colour RGB and HEX colour codes
The RGB colour code for the inox colour is (192, 192, 192), while the HEX colour code is #C0C0C0.
Colour scheme | Code/Weights |
Hex |
rgb(204,204,204) |
hsl(0,0%,80%) |
hsb(0,0%,80%) |
cmyk(0,0,0,20) |
Contrasting colour |
#333333 |
Complementary colour |
#FF3300 |
Inox dark and light shades
Click on the colour codes below to copy them to the clipboard.
Dark shades
Light shades
Inox complementary colour palettes
The inox colour gives an elegant and modern look, especially because of its metallic effects. The following colour palettes present different shades and complementary colours that perfectly complement the inox colour.
Complementary palette
Analogue palette
Monochrome palette
Triad palette
Tetrade palette
Split complementary palette
Neutral palette
What is the colour of the inox colour?
Inox colour, also known as stainless steel colour, is usually silvery or greyish in shade and has a shiny, reflective surface.
What determines the colour of the inox colour?
The colour of the inox colour depends on a number of factors, including the composition of the raw material, the surface treatment processes and the technologies used. The various alloying elements such as chromium, nickel and molybdenum mixed into the steel affect the final colour. Surface treatment processes such as polishing, grinding or even chemical treatment can cause further differences in shade.
How is inox colour colour mixing possible?
The mixing of inox colour is achieved by a special combination of chemical processes and dyes. To achieve inox (stainless steel) colour, electrochemical processes, anodising or powder coating methods are most commonly used. These techniques allow the surface to be coloured while preserving the natural properties of stainless steel, such as corrosion resistance and durability.