Red is a shade between red and brown, often found in nature, for example in autumn leaves or rusting metal. This shade offers a warm, earthy tone that exudes calm and naturalness. The colour red is particularly prevalent in the natural world, where it is found in the soil and among the shades of plants, and is often associated with the mood of autumn and the beauty of passing.
The colour red also has cultural and emotional meanings. As one of the most ancient hues, it can symbolise stability and constancy in many cultures. It is often used in art and design to add depth and texture to visual elements. Because of the intensity and warmth of the colour red, it often evokes emotional responses such as nostalgia or feelings of warmth.
Red colour RGB and HEX colour codes
The RGB code for the red colour is (183, 65, 14) and the HEX code is #B7410E. It is a warm, rich shade of orange and red.
Colour scheme | Code/Weights |
Hex |
#FF0000 |
rgb(255, 0, 0) |
hsl(0, 100%, 50%) |
hsv(0, 100%, 100%) |
cmyk(0, 1, 1, 0) |
Contrasting colour |
#00FFFF |
Complementary colour |
#00FF00 |
Dark and light shades of red
Click on the colour codes below to copy them to the clipboard.
Dark shades
Light shades
Complementary colour palettes of red
Red is a medium shade of brown, often with reddish or orangey tones. It adds a warm and inviting colour to any environment, and is an excellent choice for decoration and design.
Complementary palette
Analogue palette
Monochrome palette
Triad palette
Tetrade palette
Split complementary palette
Neutral palette
What is the colour of red?
The colour red is a reddish or orangey shade, often close to rusty, brownish tones. It is usually a warm, deep colour, often likened to the colour of autumn leaves.
What determines the colour of red?
The colour of a red colour depends on the amount and type of pigments a material contains. Pigments can be natural or artificial and can produce different shades. The chemical composition of the material and the concentration of the pigment determine the exact colour tone. In addition, the light conditions, the texture of the material's surface and the angle of illumination also affect the perception of colour.
How is red colour colour mixing possible?
To achieve the red colour, mix two base colours: red and a little yellow. The proportions can be fine-tuned to achieve the desired shade. If a darker shade of red is desired, a little brown or black can be added to deepen the colour.